Behaviours in P3M3
Rod Sowden
3m 42s
Adding behaviours to P3M3 was not easy, Rod describes how this was done and what ultimately demonstrates at levels 1 to 4 on how individuals demonstrate their ability to achieve each level of maturity.
Up Next in Rod Sowden
Benefits Management
Here Rod tells us how important benefits are and should therefore be at the top of the agenda, keep an eye out for vanishing benefits and look out for additional benefits. He also encourages program leaders to be upfront and accurate about disbenefits as they are identified.
Benefits management trailer
Here Rod tells us how important benefits are and should therefore be at the top of the agenda, keep an eye out for vanishing benefits and look out for additional benefits. He also encourages program leaders to be upfront and accurate about disbenefits as they are identified.
Risk and issues on programs
Here Rod talks about how to develop a culture that is open to risks and issues, correctly connects to corporate management strategy and gives some tips that are designed to help leaders within programs effectively manage risks and issues.